MOSA (MCIT Online Student Association) is organizing a hackathon during the winter break. This will be a Week-long Hackathon from Jan 4, 2020 – Jan 12, 2020. The event is open to all current students of the MCIT Online program and is a great opportunity to work on an open-ended project of your choice with classmates from across the MCIT Online student community.

Students do not need to be actively coding for the duration of the week to participate (though if you would like, you are certainly welcome to). We have extended the time frame to encourage more students who may have other commitments to participate. 

The hackathon will have two categories. Java – console apps section for those of us with no programming experience other than the Java skills taught in 591. If you’re familiar with and would like to use some other programming language, you are welcome to do so, and that will be judged in a separate general category. 

You may use the slack channel (#mosa-hackathon-event), to introduce yourself, look for a team, meet other participants, ask questions and create some buzz. The maximum number of students per team is 3. 

Please register using the form below before December 27th, 2019 if you’d like us to match you up with other students to form a team. The registration form will stay open until Jan 4th for those of you willing to find teammates on your own. We’ll come back with more details soon and look forward to seeing you all there!

Please note: This is a MOSA member-only event.