Course Description

This course introduces students to math concepts that form the backbone of the majority of computer science. Topics covered include sets, functions, permutations and combinations, discrete probability, expectation, mathematical induction, and graph theory. The goal of the course is to ensure that students are comfortable enough with the math required for most of the CIS electives.

Share your course experience

If you have already taken this course, we request you to share your experience, tips, suggestions, and resources regarding this course in the comment box below. Examples include textbooks, websites, YouTube Channels, software tools that were valuable for your study, and/or your general experience with the course. Please do mind that this is not to “review” the course, instead it’s a repository for students’ collective knowledge. Your feedback here helps prospective students understand more about the course and make use of the student recommended resources to succeed in this course.

Course Pairing

592 is commonly taken with 591 during the first semester of the MCIT program. The assignments are appropriately challenging but allow the student  enough time to fully absorb the information, thus solidifying knowledge of concepts such as mathematical proof techniques, finite probability, and graph theory. Average Hours Per Week: 10


The views, information, or opinions expressed in the comments are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of MOSA and/or University of Pennsylvania. As long as commenting guidelines are followed, they get published.

Please note that the comments should be less of a “review” and more of a repository for institutional knowledge. The content of the course may be changed and may become out-of-date. If the course changes in future, this page will be archived.


Richard Forman · May 3, 2021 at 5:12 PM

Focus on homeworks and recitations to develop a strong appreciation for the material that the Professors expects you to understand.

Jen Macklin · December 1, 2020 at 7:03 PM

I spent 15-20 hours weekly on this class and have no background in advanced math topics. I used the following open source textbook as a supplemental resource:

Evan · December 1, 2020 at 11:33 AM

Folks who don’t have a strong math background may find that this course takes 5 to 10 hours more per week than the stated average. The material and videos are dense and often require external sources (such as those listed along with a few others) to grasp the concepts.

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