MOSA Education & Learning Committee is teaming up with Emily Parry to launch the Side Project Support Network (SPSN)! Employers look for evidence of the application of your technical skills, and in order to showcase that part of your story, we recommend engaging in project work to strengthen and enhance this skillset. This Side Project Support Network will allow students with project ideas to share them with everyone and inspire individuals to reach out and express interest/begin building a structure to work on these ideas collaboratively. If you have an idea for a project and you are interested in finding collaborators, consider submitting a pitch video today!


  • Students submit a video explaining a project idea to Emily Parry ( by 5pm ET on Friday, May 1st 2020.
  • MCIT Online will take all of these videos and make a single Master Video to be shared with all students on Monday, May 4th 2020.
  • Everyone can watch the video to hear about each other’s ideas & find collaborators
  • Interested students will reach out to the folks who submitted a video pitch and move forward from there!

Who? Anyone with an idea! If you don’t have a project idea, be sure to circle back to watch the Master Video of everyone’s pitches to see if anyone shared something that piques your interest.

When? Submit videos by Friday, May 1st at 5pm ET. The Master Video will be available on Monday May 4th.

Where? Slack and your email inbox.

Why? Collaborate with your peers, exchange ideas, network, and begin building/enhancing technical skills that employers are eager to see.  

Video Pitch Guidelines:

  • Video length maximum– 2 minutes
  • Make sure your name and email make it into the video somehow– you can edit the video or make it as simple as holding up a sheet of paper. This way, students can easily connect with you if they are interested in your pitch.
  • Include
    • A project summary
    • Technical skills required for completion of the project (languages and tools)
    • How many collaborators you are seeking
    • Time you personally expect to spend on this project (x hours per week)
    • Time commitment you hope to receive from potential collaborators (x hours per week)
    • Find a sample attached to this message!

These pitches and project ideas do not need to be highly polished, perfect submissions. Even if you just have the start of a plan, submit something in case someone else is interested in the same subject area. 

Questions? Email Emily Parry (