On Sunday, December 8th, MOSA Co-President Angela Wen presented a fantastic webinar detailing her personal internship search. After an extensive application process, Angela accepted three offers for 2020: Lyft (Jan-May), GitHub (Jun-Aug), and Stripe (Sep-Dec). Here is a link to that webinar recording and below is a summary of her presentation.

Angela has an undergraduate degree in biology with no past experience working within a tech company.  During her search, her technical background included CIT 591, CIT 592 and CIT 594. She also studied C++, discrete math, and some web development at Oregon State University in 2018. In the webinar, Angela discusses details about her search process, application tracking, personal preparation on Leetcode, and breaks down her interview experiences into type and response rate. She also shares personal stories about utilizing her network and branding her MCIT Online degree in interviews and during more informal conversations.

We hope you have enjoyed the workshop and find it helpful!