Education and Learning Committee

The Education and Learning Committee is devoted to spearheading activities that bring educational value to all MOSA members. Events will be focused on applying knowledge gained from the MCIT program in a practical context, that will help further develop students’ technical skill-set outside the classroom. Additionally, the committee will seek to create programs that aid students in learning the skills necessary for successful careers in science and technology.

Entrepreneurship and Jobs Committee

The Entrepreneurship & Jobs Committee’s purpose is to support each MCIT Online student to find career and job success, by: creating a community to discuss, encourage, and pursue entrepreneurial endeavors; facilitating communication of job leads and listings; exposing MCIT Online students to a wide range of technical fields and career directions; and providing opportunities to develop and foster connections in industry

Social Committee

The purpose of the Fellowship (Social) Committee is to organize and promote social events, activities, and programs to strengthen the community of the MOSA and MCIT Online students. The Committee plans to provide programs such as: mentorship for incoming and current students; biannual in-person social events; community and cultural events; and facilitation of extracurricular collaboration and projects.

Marketing and Outreach Committee

The purpose of the Marketing and Outreach Committee is to market the MCIT Online programs to the wider student body and to cultivate useful relationships with external sponsors and corporate partners. It implements marketing strategies to engage and communicate with its audience by maintaining its owned channels and managing all marketing communications of MOSA events.


The committee aims to promote leadership, community, and wellness among women, other gender minorities, and racial minorities in computer science. The committee strives to advocate for the underrepresented groups within MCIT and to have their voices heard in the University. Goal is to help the underrepresented succeed in their studies at MCIT online.

Student Support Committee

Student Support Committee (SSC) recognizes that the emotional experience of learning is a critical factor in academic success. Its purpose is to provide resources, foster peer connections, and organize educational events to support the holistic wellbeing of MCIT Online students. It aims to promote stress resilience, emotional intelligence, and foster a sense of community belonging while normalizing help-seeking. It promotes and improves awareness of University resources, advocates for emotionally-aware course instruction, facilitate peer support, and hosts educational events on emotional wellbeing topics tailored to the online learning experience.